I am going to commit to just one month.
I am totally thinking this is do-able, but if I don't, no worries...cuz life happens! So here are my first few photos. Just in case you have never visited, fat mum slim, and if you're anything like me you now have This musical gem stuck in your head.
Photos of myself are hard, but I'm working on it...
Manna Bread...something I am trying and definitely need to get used to, this one is carrot and raisin. I get mine at Whole Paycheck(Whole Foods).
My fabric stash, which needs a MAJOR overhall, it's something I adore to an unnatural REALLY! So those are my first three. It's kinda fun deconstructing my world a little, it also make me realize how bad my A.D.D. really is. I have got to get oraganized! The funny thing is I always thought that I was so on top of my, negative ghostrider!
This last photo is a little sneaky-peeky at something I am working on, and this is probably not the last time you will hear me say I HATE PINNING! For those that aren't quilters and have no earthly idea what this strange thing I am speaking of is(no I'm not blaspheming Pinterest), I hate pinning all my fabric before I take it to the machine to sew. I wish I had a little pinning gnome that could come out from under my sewing table and offer to do it all for me in exchange for a handful of glitter or a small sugar cookie, that would be the diggity!
Are you trying any photo challenges in the new year? Link me up, I'd love to see them.
Can I come and pin for you? I'll even make you coffee first thing in the morning too. Before I start pinning. I think I need to on top of some of my chaos and boxes and actually start putting things in closets and stuff before I take on any photo challenges. But I love that you're doing one and that list of pics is a good one to keep and snap anytime. I like your self portrait. Mine are always cheesy. Always. But maybe that just proves I'm cheesy. Cause pictures never lie. Ha! You're going to get sick of me leaving comments on all your blogposts. But I can't help it for now. I am so happy you are back.
Posted by: jody f | 2012.01.04 at 09:02 PM
Oh Jody, I would love for you to come pin for me, but I fear I would be broke from rewarding you with I won't get sick of you don't worry!
Posted by: sarah | 2012.01.04 at 09:29 PM
LMAO whole paycheck. so damn funny.
Posted by: Courtney | 2012.01.05 at 04:51 PM
well it IS, wish we had a Trader Joes! Do you guys have one?
Posted by: sarah | 2012.01.05 at 05:08 PM
Your not cheesy just happy and that's always a good thing Jody!
Posted by: sarah | 2012.01.05 at 05:08 PM
Whole Paycheck - awesome! ok, you need to have ur own fabric store!!! luvin the haircut too :)
Posted by: Elizabeth | 2012.01.11 at 06:29 PM
hear hear!
Posted by: Elizabeth | 2012.01.11 at 06:30 PM